Rules and Fines
How to use the library
Everybody can use Roskilde Libraries regardless of nationality and it is free of charge. The yellow health card is usually your library card, but you need to register the first time you are at the library. You can also register via "Log ind" and "Ny bruger" if you have MitID, but this function is only in Danish.
Children under the age of 18 years of age need their parent’s or guardian’s permission when registered.
You are responsible for all materials you check out. If you loose your yellow heath card or library card it is important you let the library know. If you forget your four digit pin code you can create a new by using your MitID to log in and change it, or you can bring your card to the library and we will do it for you.
The return date for check out is usually 31 days, but some materials like films and games have to be returned faster. When you check out materials you will get a receipt with every item and when they are to be returned.
Reminders: Text and e-mailservice
If you register yourself you can add this service via ”Min konto”, if we register you we do so automatically. You will receive a text and/or email 3 days before the return date is due on your materials. Therefore it is important the library has your current number and email. Even with this service it is always your responsibility to return materials on time.
A library without fines
At Roskilde Libraries we have a no fine policy. That means you do not have to pay a fine if you return the books you borrowed a little later than you should have.
However, you can’t keep the books for weeks longer, since other people need to access them. We will remind you when the due date is near and repeat it when it’s overdue. If the materials are lost or damaged you must pay a replacement amount.
Replacements fees
If checked out materials are lost or damaged you have to pay a replacement fee. If lost materials are found within a month from payment, we will return the money. If the materials replaced are a part of a multivolume work, you might have to pay for the whole work, if the library are not able to buy a single volume.
The replacement fee for certain materials such as dvds and games are higher than the retail prices. This is due to the much higher cost of purchasing materials for library use.
If your debt to Roskilde Libraries exceeds 500 kr. your permission to borrow materials will be withdrawn after 8 days, if you do not pay the full amount. The withdrawal will end when all debts are paid or the materials returned.
If you return the materials in good condition 1 month at the latest after you have paid in full, the replacement amount will be returned.
Returning materials
At Roskilde Library you can return materials in the library’s automatic return that is open 24/7. At the local libraries you can return materials between 7 – 22 every day.
Self-service - do your loans and orders online
You can order, reserve and renew materials on the library’s website. You just log on with your cpr. number/library card number or MitID to get to “Min konto”. Here you can see what materials you have checked out, renew them or order others.
Or you can use the app Biblioteket.
When you have ordered materials you will get a notification by text or email when it is ready for pick-up, depending on your preference.
You can renew your loans 5 times as long as nobody else has reserved it. If you need materials that is not available at Roskilde Libraries we will try and order them from other libraries. When it is ready for pick-up, you check it out and return it like any other material from the library.
Access to open local libraries
Children can access and use the local libraries alone from the age of 12 years.
A few materials (e.g. dvds) may only be used as stipulated on the cover. You can get more information at the library.
Roskilde Libraries is a non - smoking area.
Dogs at the library
No dogs are allowed at any of Roskilde Libraries, with the exception of service dogs, guide dogs, reading dogs or other dogs participating in events.